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If, like me, you didn't watch tonight's America's Got Talent premiere (I much prefer America's Kidz Got Singing), you probably didn't catch the four-minute trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man that aired during the show. So, I've got it waiting for you after the jump.

Sony made a smart move airing this during a popular show like America's Got Talent. With The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises, Marc Webb's Spider-Man reboot starring Andrew Garfield has been flying dangerously under the radar. Which is too bad, since this movie looks good. It has top-notch actors, a fantastic director and a storyline that's new and different. Yes, it may be a bit early to revisit Spider-Man after 2007's Spider-Man 3, but if we have the chance to get a great Spider-Man movie, why wouldn't we embrace that? Why wouldn't we root for it?

Garfield appears to embody Peter Parker better than Tobey Maguire ever did, capturing Peter's humor and abandoning the emo-ness. Spider-Man was never about the angst that Sam Raimi burdened his Spider-Man with in Spider-Man 3.

Spider-Man is supposed to be fun. Look at Spider-Man swinging through the air in this trailer. That's what Spider-Man should be like. And speaking of those swinging scenes, the animation and the dynamics of an airborne webslinger seem to be dead on in this movie.

The guys involved in this movie get Spider-Man. Garfield grew up idolizing the character. "Put it on — the mask. It's going to make you strong." That's what every kid believes when they pretend to be their favorite superhero.

And, my final argument for The Amazing Spider-Man: Emma Stone. Seriously, Emma Stone.

Root for this movie.
THE 4-MINUTE 'AMAZING SPIDER-MAN' SUPER TRAILER Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/14/2012 Rating: 5

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