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Kate Mara and Emmy Rossum Test for 'Fantastic Four;' Fox Considering Female Doctor Doom

Another week, another set of casting rumors for Fox's Fantastic Four reboot. On Wednesday, The Hollywood Reporter relayed the news that House of Cards' Kate Mara and Shameless' Emmy Rossum had tested for the role of Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman. Mara's name had come up at the end of January, along with Saoirse Ronan. THR reported that Ronan is no longer in the running for the role.

With Michael B. Jordan already attached to director Josh Trank's film as Johnny Storm/The Human Torch, Fox is also looking to cast Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic and Ben Grimm/The Thing. Miles Teller, who has long been associated with the role, tested for the part, according to THR, with Christian Cook also testing for Ben Grimm.

The most interesting part of the THR article was that Fox is looking to snag a big-name actor to play Doctor Doom, who will once again be the villain in a Fantastic Four movie. While Julian McMahon played the iconic villain in the first two Fantastic Four movies, THR revealed that Fox "isn’t ruling out switching genders for the role." Oh man, racists are already going to have a field with the fact that Jordan (a black man) is playing the traditionally white Human Torch — now people are going to be able to be pissed off that Fox could cast a woman as Doctor Doom?
Kate Mara and Emmy Rossum Test for 'Fantastic Four;' Fox Considering Female Doctor Doom Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 2/06/2014 Rating: 5

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