TRAILER: Ang Lee's 'Life of Pi' Is on a Boat
I haven't read the book that director Ang Lee's upcoming Life of Pi is based on, and I'm actually kind of glad that I haven't. Right now, I have no idea what this film is about, but it looks like it's going to be a visually amazing one. When I saw Prometheus, they actually included a 3D preview of a scene from Life of Pi, and it was some of the best use of 3D that I've seen in a movie yet.
Life of Pi's name has come up in early Oscar talks since the last ceremony, so I'm eager to see if Lee can deliver on this promise.
Life of Pi's name has come up in early Oscar talks since the last ceremony, so I'm eager to see if Lee can deliver on this promise.
TRAILER: Ang Lee's 'Life of Pi' Is on a Boat
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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