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Disney Releases 'Big Hero 6' New York Comic Con Sizzle Trailer

Will Big Hero 6 continue Disney Animation's recent winning streak? From the looks of the trailers we've seen from the film, Big Hero 6 is going to be a winner.

Disney released a new sizzle trailer for Big Hero 6 on Thursday, releasing it for New York Comic Con. Like what we've already seen, this sizzle trailer looks really good. Original and funny, while also carrying on the Disney animation style that has worked so well in recent movies like Wreck-It Ralph and Frozen.

Interesting to see that Disney Animation made it known early in this trailer that Big Hero 6 is based on a Marvel comic. Hey, I guess it doesn't hurt to ride that Marvel wave.

Big Hero 6 stars the voice talent of Ryan Potter, Scott AdsitJamie Chung  Damon Wayans Jr., Genesis Rodriguez, TJ Miller and Maya Rudolph. The movie opens on Nov. 7.

Disney Releases 'Big Hero 6' New York Comic Con Sizzle Trailer Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 10/09/2014 Rating: 5

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