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Christian Bale Promises Freedom in EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS Trailer

While you're probably spending your time refreshing Twitter waiting for the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer to premiere, here's something to pass the time: 20th Century Fox debuted a new trailer for Exodus: Gods and Kings during the Thanksgiving football games.

The controversy over director Ridley Scott casting a bunch of white people to play Egyptians aside, this movie is looking pretty great. Hopefully this isn't just a case of a bunch of awesome trailers hiding a mediocre film.

Exodus: Gods and Kings stars Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, John Turturro, Aaron Paul, Ben Mendelsohn, Sigourney Weaver and Ben Kingsley. The movie opens on Dec. 12.

Christian Bale Promises Freedom in EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS Trailer Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/28/2014 Rating: 5

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