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New ANT-MAN Trailer Has Arrived

Marvel Studios released a new trailer for Ant-Man on Monday, and if you had any doubts that the studio could turn this character into yet another hit movie, this trailer should convince you otherwise.

Everything about this movie looks perfect right now — the casting (can't wait to see Paul Rudd eventually banter with Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Pratt), the writing and the special effects.

Director Petyon Reed has appeared to have nailed not just how to give us a hero who believably can change size but also found the right tone to keep the movie light. Yeah, Ant-Man can shrink down to the size of Ant, but what if the movie's epic train chase is really on a kid's play set?

Ant-Man stars Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, Corey StollBobby Cannavale and Michael Pena. The movie opens on July 17.
New ANT-MAN Trailer Has Arrived Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/13/2015 Rating: 5

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