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Michael Fassbender in Talks for STEVE JOBS

If Christian Bale and Leonardo DiCaprio won't play Steve Jobs, maybe Michael Fassbender will. According to Variety, the X-Men: Days of Future Past star is in talks with Sony to star in Steve Jobs. Variety notes that these are early talks, so we shouldn't get our hopes up for Fassbender just yet. Bale and DiCaprio have already let us down. Bale twice.

Sony and director Danny Boyle have to lock down a star for Steve Jobs at some point. The film can't just stay in limbo while A-list actors pass on playing Jobs. It's going to be hard to lock in other big names stars, like Seth Rogen and Jessica Chastain, for supporting roles in Steve Jobs without a lead actor attached to the project.

So what happens if Fassbender passes on Steve Jobs too? I guess Sony can just continue running down the list of recent Oscar nominees for Best Actor. Bradley Cooper? Daniel Day-Lewis? George Clooney? Denzel Washington? Someone has to sign up eventually, right?
Michael Fassbender in Talks for STEVE JOBS Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/05/2014 Rating: 5

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